How To Fly Drone For Beginners
How to Drone Drone is a knowledge that allows you to fly and control the drone, this article of course I aim to the beginners who have not really mastered how to fly this drone. for those of you who are already proficient, I do not think you need to read this article anymore.How To Fly Drone For Beginners
As a beginner in the world of drones, initially quite awkward in operating this drone, but along with the increase of flying hours, everything becomes easier, especially now that there are so many tutorials - tutorials are spread on google, you just googling stay, with keyword HOW TO DROP DRIVE then you will find many tutorial how to fly drone there.
how to fly the drone
How to fly a drone for beginners
In this article, I will describe to you how to fly Drones for beginners who thoroughly review from A to Z, and will guide you until you are truly proficient. If you follow all the instructions in this article, I guarantee you will be really proficient, especially if you fly drone more often.
The type of drone that I will make an example is the drone DJI Phantom 3 Pro, in fact almost all the drones have almost the same control, just sometimes the location of the button is somewhat different.Before we learn about the steps or how to fly the drone for the starters, there are 2 things important that I want to convey as a stock to fly the drone, as below;
Things You Should Know Before Blowing Drones
1. Know the Remote Control Mode
By default, the remote controls have 2 modes, namely mode 1 and mode 2, in two modes this is actually different is to change the function of the left and kana remote, such as the steering wheel abroad and asian, if abroad steering wheel on the left, at asian steering wheel is on the right.
Although basically, the function of these remote buttons that you can set according to your own needs and desires, but for beginners I suggest to change the remote mode to Mode 2, because how to fly the drones that I will give here based on mode 2 , but for those of you who use mode 1, you simply swap the left to right and vice versa.
Before you learn how to fly this drone, you should also read my previous article entitled Know Keys - Buttons on DJI Phantom 3's remot control, in the article I have explained about the parts of this remote control, part of the remote control, hope you can more easily fly the drone.How To Fly Drone For Beginners
2. Install
on Quadcopter like DJI Phantom and the like, there are 2 types of blades, this type of propeller is differentiated by the resulting trust, there are CW and CCW baling propellers, CW stands for Clockwise, which means clockwise, while CCW stands for Counter Clockwise, which means counterclockwise. Mistakes in installing Baling - Baling this can result in not able to fly drones.
DJI Phantom itself gives the code for CW and CCW this way by giving the color point on the propeller, you should be more observant to see both.
How To Fly Drone For Beginners
Once we know the mode on the drone and how to install the propeller, it will go to the flight stage. Stages - Flight stages can actually be divided into two stages of flight, namely Pre-Flight (Before Flight) and Post-Flight (When flying).
Pre Flight I have already discussed in the previous article about Pre Flight Drone Form Pre-Drone, if you have not read it, then I suggest for you to read it as modal how to fly the drone that you will learn in Post - Flight below.
1. Turning the Remote On and Off
To turn on the remote you simply press the power button twice in succession, while the way is; The first push is pressed quickly, then press the second by press and hold for 5 seconds (Until the sound is pounded) as well as pause it in the same way
2. Raise and lower the Drone
After turning on the remote, then how to fly the second drone is to raise the drone. this time we will learn about the creature named Throttle. Throttle is useful for raising and lowering the drone, if the throttle is the gas, the further we push the gas lever, the faster will run our car, as well as the drone, the stronger we pull the throttle lever, the more we will drone rate.
The location of this throttle is on the left side of the remote. to drone enough we drag the lever to the top (throttle up), and to lower the drone simply by pulling the lever down (Throttle Down).
Movement Up Down Drone
3. Rotate Drone Position
To rotate the Drone Position, we will use the Rudder / Yaw function, by rotating the drone position will allow us to take an object, this rotating position is turning the head.
Rudder / Yaw How to Fly Drone
By using this function, the drone will remain on one axis, meaning the drone does not shift at all, so does the height.
For the drone racer, this Yaw is usually combined with the Elevator to create a beautiful maneuver like a race car.
4. Move Drone left and right
To move the left and right drones, we use the Aileron / Roll function, this function allows you to change the position of the drone.
How To Fly Drone For Beginners
To Enable this function is by pulling the left lever to the left or right position. for those who are still awkward, to make it easier for you not to lose orientation, make sure the drone position still back to us.
5. Go Back Drone
To perform this back and forth movement, we will use the Elevator / Pitch function, that is by pulling the lever on the left up or down. for people who like racing use Quadracer, usually combine this Elevator function with Rudder function, for those of you who want to know how to play Quad Racer simulator, you can read my article about Playing Quad Racer Simulator I ever made some time ago. you can also play it for free.How To Fly Drone For Beginners
How to fly the drone
Elevator / yaw | How to fly a drone
In addition to Combine with Rudder, Elevator is also often in combination with Throttle, can also combine with aileron, usually for the needs of video zoom.